City to City Asia Pacific
City to City Asia Pacific focuses on church planting for the renewal of the cities in Asia and the Pacific and resource leaders who want to bring the power of the gospel to every part of life. Covenant City Church is one of the churches in the CTC Asia Pacific network.
International Presbyterian Church
A family of Christian Churches in the Reformed and Presbyterian traditions since 1954. The elders ordained in the IPC subscribe either to the Westminster Standards or the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort) as the church’s subordinate standards.
Paideia Center for Theological Discipleship
Cultivating Theological Wisdom for Today’s Church - Regional reading groups and an annual conference providing pastors and lay leaders with guided exposure to classic theological texts of the Christian tradition.
Covenant City Church hosts the Jakarta Paideia Center Reading Group.